Picture Jesus on the cross. What do you see? Grace? I hope so. Love in the midst of pain? That’s there too.
But what about injustice? Look again and remember that there was not a shred of human justice as Jesus suffered the dreadful fate of a common criminal. And yet, that was the death that He chose.
‘… He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed’
[Isaiah 53:5]
Grace sounds nice, doesn’t it? It sounds gentle and kind, and, well, graceful.
But there on the cross, grace sounded like agony. Grace looked like a body broken and mutilated. Grace felt like separation from God.
The Jewish authorities wanted this to be Jesus’ fate [Mk 11:18], and they were delighted when the local Roman government was prepared to go along with their plan – even to the extent of the scourge and crucifixion. Those whippings were so severe that they sometimes killed the victim off.
This brutal torture and death was handed out as the sentence for blasphemy. But that was not why Jesus was being punished. He was being punished because sometimes grace bleeds.
Have you ever known someone who took the rap for someone they wanted to protect? How did it make you feel? Imagine someone did that for you.
Imagine the One who did that for you.
Heavenly Father, the cross is a mystery. I don’t know how it all works, but I do know that you changed everything for me. My sin doesn’t count against me as it should, and it’s all because of Jesus.
Teach me to show more grace to others.