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Five Advent Lessons From The Life Of Mary - Part 3: She Took The Small Steps

Craig Borlase

1st December 2020

Mary didn’t waste a minute. She got up and traveled to a town in Judah in the hill country, straight to Zachariah’s house, and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby in her womb leaped. She was filled with the Holy Spirit, and sang out exuberantly:
You’re so blessed among women, and the babe in your womb, also blessed! And why am I so blessed that the mother of my Lord visits me? The moment the sound of your greeting entered my ears, The babe in my womb skipped like a lamb for sheer joy. Blessed woman, who believed what God said, believed every word would come true! [Luke 1:39-45]

As if we weren't already sure of the fact that God had chosen well in Mary, here are a few extra reminders:

  •  As she gets the news from her celestial gynaecologist, her first thought is for Elizabeth and she hurries to meet her.
  • When Elizabeth greets and praises her, Mary praises God.
  • She acknowledged what God has done for her without letting pride get in the way.
  • And she puts herself out, choosing to stay with Elizabeth for three months and help out during her first pregnancy.

How many times have we heard the ‘God Can Use You’ sermon? How many times have we concluded that God might use us in something BIG? We may have bought in to a Size Matters view of God's gifts, but thankfully Mary was a little wiser. She knew that things were part of God's plan, despite the fact that she appearing to be ‘immoral’ and very nearly lost her fiancee, who planned on ditching her quietly as soon as he could (Matthew 1:18-24).

For Mary, signing up for the greatest act of God in the history of time itself meant allowing God's agenda to pull rank over her own. It meant taking risks and then taking the small steps of joy, praise, worship and self-sacrifice.

What small acts of obedience are you choosing today?

If you're looking for some songs to be leading during this period of advent, then check out our song list below!