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5 Ways to Be Creative in Your Office

Andrea Hamilton Binley

17th August 2015

Do you desire to be more creative during your work hours, but find they get consumed with “the tyranny of the urgent”? Here are 5 practical ways to make sure your creative gift doesn’t collect dust.

1. Write it in your weekly to-do list.

If your job description or supervisor’s expectation includes any kind of worship songwriting, recording, original arranging, or other potentially ambiguous creative stuff, then a great way to make sure it actually happens is to designate a day and time. You may pick a couple hours on Wednesday afternoons; now you have a set goal, and can schedule meetings, auditions, etc around it.

2. Find an alternative space.

I happen to be part of the best church staff in the entire universe, and we call each other not only co-workers, but good friends. Because of that, our music office is full of activity. So, if I need quiet think-time, I have a secret place. It’s not glamorous - think: facilities closet - but there are less interruptions. Do you have a second space, or bench outside, that can become your creative spot?

3. Take Little Bites

If you wait until there’s a large, unhurried chunk of time to write and demo a whole song - it hardly ever happens. But if you come across an unexpected 30 minutes, you could take a shot at a great bridge!

4. Pray for God’s Involvement

There’s a difference between trying to force creativity in our own strength and inviting God to make a way. When we’re in flight-or-flight mode throughout the day, inspiration is squelched. But when we ask God for a peace-filled opportunity to think clearly and create, those opportunities open up!

5. Co-write

You know how you’re more likely to make it to the gym when a friend is meeting you there? It’s the same with being creative. Make sure to team up and focus joint efforts on writing worship, creating awesome sets, or planning the coolest workshop ever.

Being creative at work will likely make you more excited about being there, and can increase your motivation to be efficient and discerning with the rest of your office hours. Now dust off your creative gift and get to it :)

Andrea Hamilton Binley is Worship Director at Inland Hills Church www.InlandHillsChurch.com